Based in Kansas City, MO, Studios INC Residency Program is aimed exclusively at mid-career artists, this three-year, free-of-cost program isn’t just about creating a body of work.

- Fenced-in lot available for outdoor installations, performances or workspace
- Wood shop
- Length of residency shall be for a period not to exceed 3 years.
- Each resident artist is assigned a studio of between 750 and 3,000 square feet.
- Each resident artist commits to a solo show in The Studios Inc Exhibition Space
- Resident artists gain more public recognition for their work and broader access to collectors.
- Resident artist’s work included in our annual exhibition.
- The Studios Patron Program, provides the opportunity for a heightened level of dialogue between resident artist and patron through studio visits and exhibitions. In addition to funding an artist’s studio, Patrons are encouraged to cultivate relationships with the artists to learn more about the creative process and to provide additional career advancement assistance.
- A willingness to support program objectives by maintaining a strong studio presence, maximizing use of available facilities to create significant work, contributing to a collegial creative atmosphere, and participating in studio community activities.
- A strong desire to produce art as demonstrated by a solid track record.
- A focus on his or her unique definition of their “next level” of professional achievement.
- Must reside in the Greater Kansas City area (Jackson, Platte, and Clay counties in MO and Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas) now or be willing to relocate to live in the Kansas City area for the duration of the residency. If applying as a non-resident, please include a short statement regarding of your intention to relocate to the area.
- Must be a mid-career artist (an artist with at least seven years experience since undergraduate studies or professional equivalent). Mid-career is a flexible category, defined partly by age, partly by time on the job, but they have one thing in common: their work has developed over time and maintained its presence for a number of years as evidenced by regional or national recognition through publication or public presentation. Beyond our quantitative measure of seven years experience after undergraduate studies, it is a qualitative measure where an artist has a body of work that has a fully developed language or style.
- Artists must sign an annual lease documenting their occupancy requirements.
- Artists also provide all supplies, equipment, and insurance for their studio space.
- Artists are asked to gift two significant works annually, which Studios uses to secure program funding through the Patron and programs.
- Artists shall maintain residence in the Greater Kansas City area for the duration of their residency.
- Artists must maintain a strong studio presence, maximizing use of available facilities to create significant work.