

Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants / Due: April 15

The Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants (AWAW EAG) provides grants of up to $20,000 to environmental art projects led by women-identifying artists in the United States and U.S. Territories. The program, which is made possible by Anonymous Was A Woman with additional funding provided by individual donors, will distribute over $520,000 in funding. Click here for more information...
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PLAYA / Due: May 30

Located in Summer Lake, Oregon, residencies at PLAYA are open to the global community of scientists and artists whose work promotes dialogue and positive change in the environment and the world. We encourage naturalists, biologists, musicians, designers, sustainability leaders, social practitioners, musicians, visual artists, writers, and performing artists to apply. PLAYA welcomes applications from both...
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Bernheim Artist-in-Residence / Deadline: November 27

Established in 1980, the Bernheim Artist-in-Residence annually awards artists the opportunity to live and create site specific work inspired by their total immersion experience in the natural environment. The work created through this program allows our visitors to experience nature in new and exciting ways while enhancing awareness of Bernheim’s mission of connecting people to nature....
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Playa Residency / Deadline: May 31

PLAYA’s residencies are open to the world’s community of scientists and artists whose work promotes dialogue and positive change in the environment and the world. Naturalists, biologists, musicians, designers, sustainability leaders, social practitioners, musicians, visual artists, writers and performing artists are encouraged to apply. PLAYA welcomes applications from both emerging and seasoned professionals. Applicants must...
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Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grant / Deadline: April 18

Started in 2022, the Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grant (AWAW EAG) provides up to $20,000 for projects led by women-identifying artists in the United States and U.S. Territories.The Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants (AWAW EAG) program, administered by NYFA, will distribute a total of $250,000 in funding to support environmental art...
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Mirante Xique-Xique / Deadline: March 22

Mirante Xique-Xique (MXX) is a residency program for visual artists, curators, writers, architects, musicians, chefs, environmentalists, and scholars who are interested in living, creating and being immersed in the environment of the Chapada Diamantina. Through cultural activities, exchanges and environmental education, it is the mission of MXX to safeguard the region’s architectural and intangible heritage....
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Anonymous Was A Woman / Deadline: June 14

The Anonymous Was A Woman Environmental Art Grants (AWAW EAG) program, administered by NYFA, will distribute a total of $250,000 in funding to support environmental art projects led by women-identifying artists in the United States and U.S. Territories. The AWAW EAG will support environmental art projects that inspire thought, action, and ethical engagement. Projects should...
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Scraps KC Seeking Unwanted Art Supplies

Scraps KC ~ Kansas City’s first Creative Reuse Center is seeking any extra or unwanted art supplies (paints, painting mediums, inks, and art paper sketchbooks). Scraps exists to keep any unwanted materials out of the waste stream and forward them on to those who can use them for something creative or educational.  Scraps KC has...
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The Puffin Foundation Ltd. Grant / Deadline: December 15

The Puffin Foundation Ltd. provides grants to artists and art organizations who are often excluded from mainstream opportunities due to their race, gender, or social philosophy. For the upcoming grant cycle, they will only be accepting applications in Video/Film and Environmental. Average grants are approximately $1,250. The maximum grant size is $2,500. Interested applicants are...
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