Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission sponsors Artist INC programming for Kansas military service members, veterans, and family. Artist INC has partnered with Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission to offer programming to military service members, veterans, and their families. The programming includes two of Artist INC’s programs, What Works, and Artist INC Express. Available to and...Read More
The Tallgrass Artist Residency is a unique program that offers individual artists/artist teams time and space to retreat and research in a rural, tallgrass prairie setting. Though the experience is rural, it is not meant to be isolating. Artists are provided lodging at Matfield Station in the small community of Matfield Green, Kansas — 20 miles from Tallgrass Prairie National...Read More
Artist INC in partnership with ArtsConnect announces the selected artists of the inaugural cohort of Artist INC Topeka! Artists were selected from a competitive application process. Selected artists represent multiple artistic disciplines including visual, literary, and performing arts. Artists were selected from a competitive application process. Selected artists represent multiple artistic disciplines including visual, literary, and performing...Read More
Mother’s Milk is an interdisciplinary residency, designed to support visual artists, sound artists, or creative writers, who are pursuing innovative work in their field. Located in Newton, Kansas, Mother’s Milk is a 2-6 week interdisciplinary residency, designed to support three or four visual or sound artists, or creative writers, who are pursuing innovative work in...Read More
Artist INC returns to Wichita, Kansas this fall in partnership with Harvester Arts. Artists were selected from a competitive application process. Selected artists represent multiple artistic disciplines including visual, literary, and performing arts. Artist INC Wichita 2020 participants are: Michelle Baba, Manuel Banuelos, Sara Crow, Anthony Dozier, Blake Edwards, Angie Evans, Maggie Gilmore, Chauncey Gripp, Stella...Read More
The Johnson County Library Foundation (KS) is inviting artists to submit original 2-dimensional artworks to be printed large scale 60”h X 30”w during the Library Lets Loose fundraising event September 12, 2020. The selected artist’s piece will be printed large scale (60″H X 30″W) using wood block printmaking techniques combined with an industrial roller. ·...Read More