NXTHVN welcomes up to seven artists and two curators to participate in its ten-month fellowship program. Each Fellow will receive studio or office space, a stipend, and subsidized housing. Selected from an international pool of applicants, Fellows relocate to New Haven, Connecticut to participate in NXTHVN’s mentorship-driven curriculum which includes professional development sessions led by...Read More
The New Voices Filmmaker Grant is a partnership between Netflix and NewFest supports emerging LGBTQ+ filmmakers. Four filmmakers with documentary, narrative, animated or episodic projects by and about the LGBTQ+ community will each receive a $25,000 grant. In addition to the $25,000 grant and industry mentorship, fellows will also participate in events and have their...Read More
Sustainability Labs is seeking US creators, artists, directors, and producers looking to change their personal model of creative financial and business sustainability. Five fellows will work with mentors and a life coach on developing future goals for personal, professional, and financial growth based upon their creative aspirations. A $2,500 stipend will be provided, as well...Read More